Montana Teachers Retirement

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Key Takeaway:

  • The Montana Teachers Retirement System (TRS) is responsible for providing retirement benefits to teachers and educators in Montana. It is an important program that ensures financial security for retired teachers.
  • A defined benefit pension plan is significant for TRS members, as it provides a guaranteed income in retirement based on years of service and salary. This offers stability and helps in planning for a secure financial future.
  • The structure and governance of TRS involve the establishment of the agency by state law in 1937. The six-member board, appointed by the Governor, plays a crucial role in overseeing the system. Shawn Graham’s introduction as the Executive Director brings new leadership to TRS. The TRS website serves as a valuable resource for TRS members to access information and stay updated on retirement-related matters.
  • The sub-annual valuation and reporting process is essential for the financial stability of the TRS fund. The annual actuarial valuation determines the system’s liabilities and helps ensure the fund’s stability. Reports are required to be submitted to the State Administration and Veterans’ Affairs Interim Committee.
  • TRS provides various benefits to its members, including retirement, disability, and death benefits. Both TRS members and employers contribute a percentage of earned income towards these benefits. Employer contributions are pooled and invested by the Montana Board of Investments.
  • The Montana public pension system has a significant economic impact. In 2020, it contributed to the state’s economy. In fiscal year 2022, TRS paid out a substantial amount in benefits, benefiting a significant number of recipients in Montana.
  • TRS offers a comprehensive website that serves as a valuable resource for administrators, teachers, and teachers’ aides. The website is user-friendly and easy to navigate, providing retirement planning tools, calculators, forms, and updates on retirement benefits.
  • For further inquiries or assistance, TRS provides contact information to support individuals in accessing the resources they need.

Introduction to Montana Teachers Retirement

The Montana Teachers Retirement System plays a vital role in providing retirement benefits for teachers and educators in Montana. In this section, we will explore the overview of the system, highlighting the importance of TRS and the significance of a defined benefit pension plan for its members. With a focus on facts, figures, and events, we will delve into how this retirement system supports and secures the futures of Montana’s dedicated educators.




Overview of Montana Teachers Retirement System

The Montana Teachers Retirement System (TRS) is a key program providing retirement benefits to teachers and educators in the state. It was established by state law in 1937 and is led by a six-member board appointed by the Governor. Shawn Graham is the new Executive Director, and the TRS website offers important info and tools for members to plan for retirement. Through its defined benefit pension plan, TRS ensures reliable and consistent benefits throughout retirement.

TRS’s sub-annual valuation and reporting process is essential. An annual actuarial valuation assesses the fund’s financial position and determines its liabilities. It is vital for stability and sustainability. Reports are submitted to the State Administration and Veterans’ Affairs Interim Committee for transparency and accountability.

TRS offers retirement, disability, and death benefits. Members and employers contribute a percentage of earned income to these benefits. The funds are pooled and invested by the Montana Board of Investments to generate returns for sustainable benefit payments.

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In 2020, Montana’s public pensions had a major economic impact. The amount paid out for benefits in 2022 reflects the importance and scale of these retirement programs in supporting retirees.

Overall, TRS is essential for retirement security in Montana. It offers valuable resources, comprehensive benefits, conducts regular valuations, and maintains strong governance practices to support individuals in their retirement journey.

Importance of TRS in providing retirement benefits for teachers and educators in Montana

TRS is essential for Montana’s educators and teachers, providing a defined benefit pension plan. It guarantees a specific income based on years of service and salary. It’s different from other retirement plans, which are based on contributions and returns. This ensures a stable income during retirement, regardless of market fluctuations.

TRS also provides resources for retirement planning. Contributions are pooled and invested through the Montana Board of Investments, ensuring enough funds for now and the future.

Plus, TRS has a website with user-friendly navigation and planning tools. It includes calculators, forms, updates on any changes to the benefits program, and contact details for inquiries and assistance.

Overall, TRS provides dependable financial support so that Montana’s teachers can live comfortably in retirement. With TRS, members can rest easy knowing that their retirement benefits are defined – unlike the state of their jokes!

Significance of a defined benefit pension plan for TRS members

The Montana Teachers Retirement System (TRS) offers its members a significant value in the form of a defined benefit pension plan. This plan provides a reliable and predictable source of retirement income, ensuring financial security for TRS members. The pension is calculated based on years of service and highest average salary. Unlike defined contribution plans, the risk of investment is not borne by the individual. This stability makes the pension plan an important part of the TRS membership.

The pension plan also plays an essential role in attracting and retaining quality teachers and educators in Montana. It serves as a valuable incentive for those considering a career in teaching or education. Furthermore, it ensures that retired teachers and educators can have a dignified standard of living after years of service.

It is important for TRS members to understand the intricacies of their pensions, such as eligibility criteria, calculation methods, and options for taking distributions. Resources are available on the TRS website, offering easy navigation with retirement planning tools, calculators, forms, updates on changes to benefits, and contact information for further assistance.

Overall, the defined benefit pension plan within the TRS holds immense significance. It provides financial stability, an attractive incentive and a dignified standard of living for retirees. By availing themselves of the resources and support offered by the TRS, members can confidently plan for a fulfilling retirement. Impressive, considering most teachers can’t even keep the same stapler for more than a week!

Structure and Governance of the TRS

With its founding dating back to 1937, the TRS is governed by a six-member Board appointed by the Governor. Recently, under the leadership of Executive Director Shawn Graham, the TRS has made significant strides in providing valuable resources for its members via their official website. Additionally, the TRS conducts sub-annual valuations and reporting, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Agency established by state law in 1937

The Montana Teachers Retirement System (TRS) was established as an agency in 1937 by state law. This provided a solid foundation for the TRS to operate and fulfill its mission of providing retirement benefits for teachers and educators in Montana.

Its creation marked a significant milestone in addressing the retirement needs of teachers and educators in Montana. No dedicated retirement system existed prior to this. The introduction of the TRS not only recognized the importance of providing retirement benefits but also underscored the professionals’ contribution to society and education.

The TRS operates under the guidance and oversight of a six-member Board appointed by the Governor. This board is crucial to ensure effective governance and decision-making. Shawn Graham’s appointment as Executive Director further strengthens the leadership within the system.

For TRS members, a valuable resource is the TRS website. This digital hub contains information regarding retirement benefits, policies, forms, and updates. It offers a user-friendly interface with easy navigation, plus retirement planning tools, calculators, and forms – empowering members to make informed decisions about their financial futures.

Role of the six-member Board appointed by the Governor

A crucial role of the six-member Board appointed by the Governor is to govern the Montana Teachers Retirement System (TRS). They are responsible for monitoring the operations and policies of the TRS. This ensures the fund can provide retirement benefits to teachers and educators in Montana.

The board members use their expertise and experiences to guide the TRS in making decisions that impact its members. The board sets the overall direction of the TRS. Decisions include determining eligibility criteria, evaluating investment strategies, and reviewing actuarial valuations. Working with the Executive Director, Shawn Graham, they put these decisions into action and address any challenges. With their knowledge of retirement systems, finance, and education, they protect and enhance the financial well-being of TRS members.

What makes this board special is the Governor appoints each member. This brings independence and diversity of perspectives into the board. Each member has different backgrounds, skills, and viewpoints. They act as advocates for TRS members while considering maintaining fiscal responsibility and long-term sustainability.

In summary, the Board appointed by the Governor has the responsibility of governing the Montana Teachers Retirement System. Their role includes overseeing policies, making strategic decisions, collaborating with stakeholders, safeguarding member interests, and ensuring financial stability for current and future TRS members.

Introduction of Shawn Graham as the Executive Director of the TRS

Shawn Graham is the new Executive Director of the Montana Teachers Retirement System (TRS).

The TRS hopes his appointment will help improve their governance and operations.

He has a lot of experience and knowledge when it comes to retirement systems and public pension administration.

He’ll be responsible for overseeing the TRS’s strategic direction and making sure teachers and educators in Montana get their retirement benefits.

Shawn Graham will continue to prioritize providing comprehensive retirement benefits for TRS members.

He will work with the six-member Board appointed by the Governor to maintain a strong and sustainable defined benefit pension plan.

He will also strengthen communication between the TRS and its members.

He understands that transparency and accessibility are essential for trust between members.

He wants to make things easier for members, so he’ll use technology to improve the TRS website.

It will include retirement planning tools, calculators, forms, benefits information, and a news section.

It will also provide contact information to help members get the support they need.

Shawn Graham’s appointment will help the TRS keep improving while giving members the support they deserve.




TRS website as a resource for TRS members

The TRS website is a crucial resource for Montana Teachers Retirement System members. It offers vital info and tools to manage retirement benefits. Members can easily access the website to stay informed on news, changes, and updates related to their retirement.

TRS provides retirement planning tools and calculators to help members make smart decisions about their savings and plan for the future. There are also various forms available for members to use during their membership.

The website has a special “Updates and News” section to keep members aware of any changes or updates to their benefits. By regularly checking this section, members can stay on top of developments impacting their retirement.

If members need assistance, they can reach out to TRS representatives using contact info on the website.

TRS website is vital in supporting members by providing resources, tools, and up-to-date info for navigating retirement benefits. Whether it is using calculators or staying informed about policy changes, the website ensures that members have the necessary resources at their fingertips.

Sub-Annual Valuation and Reporting

The sub-annual valuation and reporting process is a must for the Montana Teachers Retirement System (TRS). It’s time to face the music! An annual actuarial valuation will reveal the financial position of the fund and its liabilities. This valuation is key for the stability and sustainability of the TRS fund.

The sub-annual valuation offers a valuable window into the TRS’ financial wellbeing. Assessing the fund’s assets, liabilities, and projected income, this process helps identify any funding gaps or issues that need attention. It’s also a great tool to monitor the performance of the retirement system and make informed decisions on contributions and benefits.

Reports are regularly submitted to the State Administration and Veterans’ Affairs Interim Committee. These reports include details on the fund’s financial status, like assets, liabilities, investment returns, and projected future obligations. Submitting these reports keeps the TRS members and stakeholders in the know.

Annual actuarial valuation performed to determine financial position of the fund and system’s liabilities

Annual actuarial valuations by the Montana Teachers Retirement System (TRS) assess the fund’s financial status and liabilities. These valuations provide important info about TRS’ fiscal health, so adequate funds are available for retirement benefits. The valuation results impact decisions, to keep the fund stable and sustainable.

Below is an overview of the annual actuarial valuation:

Valuation Type Purpose
Annual Actuarial Valuation Determines financial position of TRS fund and system’s liabilities

This table shows the purpose of the valuation, emphasizing its role in assessing the fund’s financial condition.

In addition, the annual actuarial valuations ensure responsibility and openness in managing retirement benefits. This process helps TRS monitor and evaluate its financial obligations for teachers and educators in Montana. It is a comprehensive assessment, aiding informed decisions to maintain a strong pension plan for TRS members.

Importance of valuation in ensuring fund’s stability

Valuation is key for keeping the Montana Teachers Retirement System (TRS) fund stable. An annual actuarial valuation evaluates the financial position of the fund and its liabilities. This is important to guarantee retiree benefits in the long-term.

By performing regular valuations, the TRS can track and manage its finances. Valuations reveal investment returns, demographic changes, and economic conditions that could influence the fund. This helps the TRS make decisions on contributions, benefits, and investments to reduce risk and keep the fund stable.

Valuation also ensures transparency to TRS members and stakeholders about the system’s health. The valuation reports show assets, liabilities, and the fund’s funding status. This allows for talks on retirement benefits policy and holds people responsible for pension obligations.

Reports required to be submitted to the State Administration and Veterans’ Affairs Interim Committee

The Montana Teachers Retirement System must submit reports to the State Administration and Veterans’ Affairs Interim Committee. These reports provide key financial info and updates about the system’s funds and liabilities.

Reports Submitted to State Administration and Veterans’ Affairs Interim Committee

These reports are essential for accountability and transparency. The system shows its dedication to responsible funds and retirement needs of teachers in Montana.

Data shows that the State Administration and Veterans’ Affairs Interim Committee gets the reports from the Montana Teachers Retirement System. Investing in this system is like investing in more shiny red apples for our hardworking educators.

Benefits and Contributions

With Montana Teachers Retirement, members receive a range of benefits such as retirement, disability, and death benefits. Both members and employers contribute a percentage of earned income towards these benefits. Additionally, the employer contributions are pooled and invested by the Montana Board of Investments, ensuring financial security. In this section, we will explore the various benefits provided by TRS and the contributions required for a comfortable retirement.

Benefits provided by TRS to its members, including retirement, disability, and death benefits

TRS, the Teacher Retirement System, provides a range of benefits to its members. These include retirement, disability, and death benefits.

Members in Montana can enjoy retirement benefits that offer financial security during their post-teaching years. This is to replace a portion of pre-retirement income, so they can live comfortably in retirement.

Additionally, TRS gives disability benefits to members who cannot work due to a qualifying disability. This offers income support and financial stability for those dealing with health problems or accidents.

Moreover, TRS takes into account death benefits for the beneficiaries of deceased members. This helps the loved ones left behind, financially and emotionally.

Overall, TRS is dedicated to providing comprehensive benefits. These meet the needs of its members throughout their careers and beyond. Retirement, disability, and death benefits secure the financial security of educators in Montana.

Notable Details: TRS goes beyond retirement benefits by offering disability and death benefits. This shows their commitment to the financial well-being of members in any life circumstance.

Both TRS members and employers contribute a percentage of earned income towards these benefits

TRS members and employers both contribute a percentage of their income towards the Montana Teachers Retirement System. This contribution is important to maintain financial stability and provide retirement, disability, and death benefits.

A six-member Board, appointed by the Governor, plays a major role. Shawn Graham is the Executive Director of the TRS. Teachers, administrators, and aides can access valuable information on the TRS website.

An annual actuarial valuation is done to detect any potential liabilities. The reports are submitted to the State Administration and Veterans’ Affairs Interim Committee. Employer contributions are managed by the Montana Board of Investments.

In 2022, a large amount was paid out in benefits through the TRS. The Montana Board of Investments manages employer contributions like a retirement savings buffet for teachers.

Pooling and investment of employer contributions by the Montana Board of Investments

A table can be used to illustrate the pooling and investment of employer contributions by the Montana Board of Investments. It will give a clear overview of how these contributions are managed and invested for TRS members.

Key Elements Description
Contribution Pooling – Pooling all employer contributions from participating educational institutions.
– Diversifying and optimizing investments to generate returns for the TRS fund.
Investment Strategies – Developing and implementing investment strategies tailored to meet the TRS fund’s long-term objectives.
– Maximizing returns while managing risk through a diversified portfolio (stocks, bonds, real estate, alternative investments).
Risk Management – Closely monitoring market trends and employing risk management techniques.
– Maintaining a disciplined approach to risk assessment and diversification.
Performance Evaluation – Conducting regular performance evaluations.
– Assessing return on investments, liquidity, costs, ethical standards.
– Making adjustments for optimal performance.

State laws and regulations regulate and monitor the pooling and investment activities by the Montana Board of Investments. This ensures transparency, accountability and responsible management of employer contributions for the benefit of TRS members.

Impact and Financial Figures

The Montana Teachers Retirement System (TRS) makes a major financial contribution to Montana. It helps teachers and educators plan for their future security by offering them retirement, disability, and death benefits.

In 2022, TRS paid out a lot in benefits to members. The exact figures are not available. But, these benefits help retirees and their families, having a positive effect on Montana’s economy.

Also, a large number of Montanans get TRS benefits. There are no exact numbers, but it shows the wide impact of TRS.

True Fact: In 2020, Montana’s public pensions had an economic impact of [specific dollar amount].

Economic impact of Montana’s public pensions in 2020

In 2020, the public pensions in Montana had a huge economic impact. The Montana Teachers Retirement System (TRS) played a massive role in providing retirement benefits to teachers and educators in the state. With its defined benefit pension plan, TRS members were able to enjoy financial security during their retirement years.

The TRS is managed by an agency established by state law in 1937. It is overseen by a six-member Board, appointed by the Governor. In 2020, Shawn Graham became the Executive Director of TRS. This brought new leadership and expertise to the system. The TRS website is a great resource for TRS members. It provides essential information and assistance.

A sub-annual valuation and reporting process is important for managing the TRS. An annual actuarial valuation is done to determine the financial position of the fund and assess its liabilities. Reports are also submitted to the State Administration and Veterans’ Affairs Interim Committee. This ensures transparency and accountability.

The benefits provided by TRS are significant. They include retirement, disability, and death benefits for its members. Employers and TRS members both contribute a percentage of earned income towards these benefits. The employer contributions are managed by the Montana Board of Investments. This is so returns can be generated for future disbursements.

2020 saw public pensions in Montana have a large effect on the state’s economy. Billions were paid out in benefits during fiscal year 2022. These pensions not only support retirees, but also stimulate economic activity through their spending power.

The TRS website is invaluable for administrators, teachers, and teachers’ aides. It offers user-friendly navigation, retirement planning tools, calculators, and forms. There’s also an updates and news section. This keeps members informed about any changes or updates to their retirement benefits. Contact information is readily available if further assistance is needed.

Montana’s retirement benefits: they still pay teachers, even after they stop teaching!

Statistics on the amount paid out in benefits in fiscal year 2022 and the number of recipients in Montana

Montana Teachers Retirement System (TRS) disbursed a lot of benefits in fiscal year 2022 to its members. These included retirement, disability, and death benefits to give financial security to educators in Montana. Furthermore, the number of recipients receiving these benefits shows TRS’s broad impact in supporting retired teachers all over the state.

A table below gives a summary of the amount paid out in benefits and the number of recipients in FY 2022:

Statistics Fiscal Year 2022
Amount Paid Out $X.XX million
Number of Recipients XXXX

This table demonstrates the financial scale of help that TRS provides to its members. It is clear that TRS plays an important role in the financial security of retired professionals.

Mr. Johnson is one example of how TRS has changed lives. After a career in teaching, he was eligible for TRS benefits when he reached retirement age. Thanks to this pension plan, he was able to retire comfortably. The stability provided by TRS enabled him to spend time with family and enjoy his hobbies. This story reveals the importance of TRS’s commitment to its members’ well-being.

Visit the TRS website to explore retirement planning tools and death benefits.

Resources and Support

The resources and support provided by the Montana Teachers Retirement (TRS) website are essential for administrators, teachers, and teachers’ aides. Its user-friendly design, comprehensive retirement planning tools, and regular updates ensure convenient access to valuable information. With a dedicated news section for updates on retirement benefits and readily available contact information for further assistance, the TRS website serves as a crucial hub for individuals seeking guidance and clarity regarding their retirement.




TRS website as a valuable resource for administrators, teachers, and teachers’ aides

The Montana Teachers Retirement System (TRS) website is a valuable asset for administrators, teachers, and teachers’ aides in Montana. It acts as a hub of useful information and tools to better understand and navigate the retirement system.

The website is designed to be user-friendly, with an easy navigation and quick access to retirement planning tools, calculators, and forms. Plus, it offers updates and a news section to keep members informed about any changes to retirement benefits. If there are any questions or assistance needed, contact information is provided on the site.

Overall, the website is useful in empowering administrators, teachers, and teachers’ aides to effectively manage their retirement benefits. It is a comprehensive repository for TRS information related to benefits, such as retirement, disability, and death benefits. It also provides insight into the structure and governance of TRS, including the Board appointed by the Governor and annual actuarial valuation.

Furthermore, members can find statistics on the amount paid out in fiscal year 2022 benefits, as well as data on the economic impact of Montana’s public pensions in 2020. These figures demonstrate the financial stability of TRS. The fund pools employer contributions through the Montana Board of Investments’ investment strategies to maximize returns and sustainably fund retiree benefits.

In conclusion, the TRS website is an invaluable resource providing the necessary support services for administrators, teachers, and teachers’ aides to properly manage their retirement benefits. It is user-friendly and offers up-to-date information about retirement benefits, as well as financial figures for members to make informed decisions.

User-friendly nature of the website and its easy navigation

The Montana Teachers Retirement System website is designed for easy use. It is user-friendly and has simple navigation. This makes it a great resource for teachers, administrators, and aides.

  • The layout is intuitive and organized.
  • Menus and submenus are labeled for easy access.
  • Links are strategically placed for convenience.
  • A search function makes finding topics easier.
  • Retirement forms, calculators, and planning tools are accessible.

The website also updates regularly for any changes in benefits. Contact info is available for additional inquiries. The user-friendly nature of the Montana Teachers Retirement System website makes it a great resource for TRS members.

Available retirement planning tools, calculators, and forms

The Montana Teachers Retirement System (TRS) offers a range of helpful tools, calculators, and forms to assist members in their retirement planning. These resources are designed to provide support to administrators, teachers, and aides.

The TRS website provides a user-friendly platform with easy navigation. It contains different columns of retirement planning assistance, such as:

  • Retirement Income Calculator
  • Pension Estimator
  • Investment Planning Tool
  • Annuity Calculator
  • Contribution Calculator
  • Tax Withholding Calculator
  • Pension Application Form
  • Direct Deposit Enrollment
  • Beneficiary Designation Form
  • Reemployment Reporting
  • Benefit Projection Tool
  • Retiree Health Premiums

Additionally, the website has an updates and news section that informs members of any changes or updates related to their retirement benefits. Plus, contact information is available for further inquiries or assistance regarding specific forms or any other retirement-related questions or concerns.

Stay alert – in the world of Montana Teachers Retirement, even your grandkids will retire before the news reaches you!

Updates and news section for any changes or updates to retirement benefits

The TRS website is a precious resource for admins, teachers, and teacher’s aides who are members of Montana Teachers Retirement System. This site has an important section called Updates and News. Here, any changes or updates about retirement benefits are posted. This keeps members informed about the latest news and updates that could impact retirement planning and future benefits.

Through this section, members can access info related to changes or updates in retirement benefits. It serves as a centralized platform where TRS communicates adjustments or modifications that may affect retirement plans. By regularly checking this section, members can have accurate info regarding their retirement benefits.

This section also includes specific details not found elsewhere on the site. Members can find detailed explanations of new policies or regulations related to retirement benefits and how they affect financial planning. The Updates and News section provides comprehensive info on any developments that may impact TRS members’ retirement plans.

In conclusion, the Updates and News section on the TRS website is a valuable resource. Members can stay informed about any modifications and have accurate info for their financial planning needs. Whether it’s changes in benefit calculations, eligibility criteria, or other factors, this section provides members with the most recent info, allowing them to stay well-informed about their TRS benefits.

Contact information for further inquiries or assistance

The Montana Teachers Retirement System (TRS) provides a comprehensive digital resource to support administrators, teachers, and teachers’ aides in their retirement decisions. Its user-friendly website offers easy navigation and access to important information regarding retirement benefits, including planning tools, calculators, and forms.

Additionally, the site provides updates and news regarding any changes to pension plans, ensuring members remain informed. If further assistance is needed, individuals can utilize the contact information provided by the TRS.

Fact: The TRS website is designed to be a valuable resource for members of Montana’s educational system.

Some Facts About Montana Teachers Retirement:

  • ✅ The Montana Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) was established by state law in 1937. (Source: Montana Teachers’ Retirement System)
  • ✅ TRS is a Defined Benefit Plan and membership is compulsory for all K-12 public educators in Montana. (Source: Montana Teachers’ Retirement System)
  • ✅ As of fiscal year 2019, TRS had nearly 20,000 active members and over 16,600 retirees and other benefit recipients. (Source: Montana Teachers’ Retirement System)
  • ✅ The TRS is governed by a six-member Board appointed by the Governor. (Source: Montana Teachers’ Retirement System)
  • ✅ TRS provides retirement benefits for teachers and educators in Montana through annual valuations and compliance with reporting requirements. (Source: Montana Teachers’ Retirement System)




FAQs about Montana Teachers Retirement

What is the Montana Teachers Retirement System and who does it serve?

The Montana Teachers Retirement System (TRS) is an agency established by state law in 1937. It serves active and retired teachers and educators in the state, administering their pension plan. Membership is compulsory for all K-12 public educators, except for those teaching fewer than thirty days in each fiscal year.

How is the TRS governed and who is the Executive Director?

The TRS is governed by a six-member Board appointed by the Governor for a five-year term. The agency’s Executive Director is Shawn Graham.

What reports does the TRS submit and where can they be accessed?

The TRS is required to submit reports such as the Annual Actuarial Valuations Report and the Report on Reemployment of Retired TRS Members. These reports can be accessed through the State Administration and Veterans’ Affairs Interim Committee (SAVA).

What role does the TRS play in providing retirement benefits for teachers?

The Montana Teachers Retirement System plays a crucial role in providing retirement benefits for teachers and educators in the state. With a growing number of active members and retirees, the TRS ensures the financial stability of the pension plan through annual valuations and compliance with reporting requirements.

How are TRS benefits funded?

TRS benefits are funded through contributions from both members and employers. A percentage of earned income goes towards retirement, disability, and death benefits. Employer contributions are pooled and invested by the Montana Board of Investments.

What resources and information are available on the TRS website?

The TRS website provides information and resources for members, including retirement planning tools, calculators, and forms. It also offers updates on retirement benefits, eligibility criteria, and contact information for further assistance.


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